Welcome to WinPort Casino (referred to as “We,” “Us,” “Our,” or “WinPort Casino”). Our commitment to safeguarding user privacy and personal data aligns with the principles of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) within the European Economic Area (EEA). This GDPR Policy outlines our approach to the responsible handling and protection of user data.

Data Protection Principles

Legitimacy, Equity, and Transparency: We uphold the collection and processing of personal data in a manner that is both lawful and transparent, with purposes that are explicit and just.

Objective Limitation: Personal data is collected and processed exclusively for predefined, unambiguous, and lawful purposes.

Data Minimization: We collect and process only the data that is necessary, relevant, and proportionate for the purposes at hand.

Precision: We make diligent efforts to ensure the accuracy and currency of the personal data we handle.

Storage Restriction: Personal data is stored only for the duration required to fulfill the intended purposes.

Integrity and Confidentiality: We employ robust security measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

Responsibility: We bear responsibility for our data processing activities and can substantiate compliance with GDPR.

Legal Grounds for Data Processing

Consent: Personal data may be processed based on explicit user consent for particular purposes, with the user retaining the right to withdraw consent at any time.

Contractual Necessity: Personal data may be processed to fulfill a contractual agreement with the user.

Legal Obligation: Processing of personal data may occur to meet legal obligations.

Legitimate Interests: We may process personal data for our legitimate interests, provided such interests do not infringe upon the user’s data protection rights.

Rights of the Data Subject

Access Rights: Users possess the right to access their personal data and request details on its processing.

Rectification Right: Users may request corrections to inaccurate or incomplete personal data.

Right to Erasure (Right to be Forgotten): Users can request the deletion of their personal data under specific circumstances.

Right to Restrict Processing: Users can request a restriction on the processing of their personal data under certain conditions.

Data Portability Right: Users possess the right to receive their personal data in a structured, commonly used, machine-readable format.

Right to Object: Users may object to the processing of their personal data for particular purposes.

Automated Decision-Making: Users have the right not to be subjected to automated decision-making, including profiling.

Data Security Measures

We implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure that data is safeguarded in proportion to the potential risks.

Data breaches are promptly assessed, and, as required by law, reported to the relevant authorities and affected individuals.

Data Sharing and Third-Party Involvement

We refrain from sharing personal data with third parties without a valid legal basis and appropriate protective measures.

When personal data is shared with third parties, we ensure their compliance with GDPR or equivalent data protection regulations.

International Data Transfers

In the event of personal data transfers outside the EEA, we ensure the presence of suitable safeguards.

Data Protection Officer (DPO)

We have designated a Data Protection Officer who bears responsibility for GDPR compliance. Contact our DPO at [email protected].

Data Subject Requests

For the exercise of GDPR rights or inquiries regarding personal data, please reach out to us at [email protected].

Policy Updates

We reserve the right to amend this GDPR Policy to accommodate changes in data processing practices and legal requirements. Significant changes will be communicated as mandated by law.